at least ten observations (collect data) about the visible sides of the cube.
Really look and observe any patterns that will help you answer your question. Do not hypothesize!
- There are two sides of the cube showing Blue
- There are two sides of the cube showing White
- There is one red square on top of the cube which is Red.
- With the blank side down the remaining sides show names on them.
- The two White sides of the cube have the letters AL as the 1st two letters of the names.
- The blue sides of the cube both have names that start with ROB.
- One White side has a female name and the other White side has a male name.
- The Blue sides consist of (1) female name and (1) male name.
- There are two female names and three male names showing on the cube.
- The red side of the cube is showing a male name that starts with the letters “FR”.
- The red side contains odd an odd and even numbers in the corners.
- The blue sides contain odd numbers in the corners.
- The white sides contain even numbers in the corners.
on your observations, formulate an answer to the question, such as, “The
numbers on the bottom are X and X, the letters are XXXXX, and the color is X.”
This is your hypothesis, a scientific prediction.
I believe the
bottom will be red and contain a name of a female. I believe the name will start with the
letters “FR” as in Francis. The numbers
on the bottom of the cube are 4 and 7.
Write at least four sentences convincing your instructor your hypothesis
is based on data, not feelings, hunches or That would not be doing
science! The more observations you have that support your proposed explanation,
the stronger the case for your hypothesis. An example: “We conclude there is a
2 in the upper right and a 10 in the lower left and the word “Superman” on the
bottom because the pattern we observed on the other sides supported this in
these ways…” In most cases, a scientist will never be able to look at the
object of interest directly to confirm information, but I will show you the
“answer” later.
I came
to the conclusion there is a 4 in the lower corner of the blank cube due to the
fact that all the numbers in the lower corners of blue and red sides make a pattern.
For example: Rob =3, Frank =4, Roberta =3 & Blank =4. So the pattern would be 3434.
The top number of the blank side would be 7 due to the fact
that the upper numbers on the white and red sides increase by (1) number. For example:
Alma =4, Frank =5, Alfred =6 & Blank =7
concluded the bottom square will be red because the cube has 2 blue squares, 2
white squares and only 1 red square.
looking over the cube I concluded the name on the bottom will be a female name
that starts with the letter F and R such as Francis. The cube repeats a pattern of a male name on
one white square and a female name on the other white square. A male name on one blue square and a female
name on the other blue square. I concluded the name would be Francis because
the cube repeats a pattern of using the same 1st two letters in both the male and
female names. Example: Rob and Roberta both start with R & O & Alma
and Alfred both start with A & L & Frank and Francis both start
with F & R
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