Epithelial Tissue:
- Stratified squamous Plate 2.22
- Cuboidal Plate 2.17
- Simple Columnar Plate 2.18
Two distinguishing microscopic characteristics of epithelial tissue is that it covers the surfaces of the body, whether external or internal and it acts as a protective covering or boundary for such surfaces,
including the outer layer of the skin, as well as the inner surface of
"hollow" organs like the stomach, colon, and blood vessels.
Epithelial cells line the major cavities of the body. Epithelial form the structure of the lung, including the alveoli or air sacs where gas exchange occurs.
Cells line most organs, such as the stomach and small intestine, kidney, and pancreas. They also line the esophagus.
Connective Tissue:
- Loose (areolar) Plate 3.27
- Adipose Plate 3.39
- Hyaline cartliage Plate 3.41
Two distinguishing microscopic characteristics of connective tissue are cells are separated by large amounts of extra-cellular substance or matrix and are scattered in the matrix are thread like microscopic fibers.
The function of the connective tissue is protection, support & bind tissues together. The structures matches it's function in the matrix for strength & fibers for support.
Muscle Tissue:
- Skeletal (striated) Plate 5.66
- Smooth Plate 5.81
- Cardiac Plate 5.76
Two distinguishing characteristics of muscle tissue are the cells or fibers are elongated with tapered ends and gap junctions are seen.
The structures of the cells have fibers that allow them to contract or get shorter. They are used to move materials & body parts. They help move materials in the body.
Nervous Tissue:
- Motor neuron Plate 6.89
The function of these cells is to help carry messages throughout the body. They have branching ends that help pick up & send out impulses as well as long strands that carry the impulse over distances through the body.
Tissue Membranes
- Synovial Membrane
- Serous Membranes
Lines and lubricates and are composed of epithelial and connective tissues.
- Mucus Membrane
Lines passageways open to the outside of the body and are composed of epithelial and connective tissue. Embedded goblet cells secret mucus.
- Cutaneous Membrane
Body Position & Directional Planes
A friend tells you she has a blister on the inferior surface of her foot. She adds that it is posterior, not anterior. You need to explain to her that her blister is on the back of her foot.
Skin Structure and Function:
Visualizing Changes in Skin Color
Testing Tactile Localization and Adaptation:
Table 1. Average Discrepancy Between Subject and Experimenter Touch Point
Palm Fingertip Forearm Back of Hand
Average Discrepancy Average Discrepancy Average Discrepancy Average Discrepancy
1.75 mm .5 mm 1.25 mm 1.5 mm
- First Attempt 8.72 seconds for sensation to go away
- Second Attempt 6.82 seconds for sensation to go away
- Third Attempt 13.70 seconds for sensation to go away. by adding 3 more coins the pressure caused the sensation to last longer than attpem #2 with a difference of 7.5 seconds.
Appendages of the Skin
The Action of UV Light
- When I am in the sun for a long period of time I use 30-50 SPF.
- UV exposure increases the production of melanin in your skin. This would mean exposure to sun and tanning beds.
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